The Matrix rpg owod

70 pages de G B
The Matrix rpg owod G B

Role Playing Game in the world of the Matrix

Publié le 01 Décembre 2018

Les statistiques du livre

  6178 Classement
  12 Lectures 30 jours
  1039 Lectures totales
  -54 Progression
  0 Téléchargement
  4 Bibliothèque

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2 commentaires
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I did not understand everything but I really tried! I did not see Matrix which is a film came out in 1999. The subject is chilling (effrayant), I imagine people who are led by machines. Oh my god, this type of world is awful. Maybe I am going to see the film.

Publié le 16 Janvier 2019

Damned my english is rusty!

Publié le 10 Janvier 2019